You can use the share icons module to share the current page or a custom link, you can choose which media you want to share your link easily

[cesis_line_divider margin_bottom="30"]

The share icons module let you choose which media you want to use to share your posts / links. You can choose between 4 styles, simple, circle, square, rounded. You can also change the position of the icons, left, right, center or justified. You can choose the default icons colors or use your own or use transparent.

[cesis_share_shortcode position="cesis_share_center" color_type="cesis_share_grey" facebook="yes" twitter="yes" google="yes" pinterest="yes" linkedin="yes" reddit="yes" tumblr="yes" xing="yes" vk="yes" mail="yes" css_animation="fadeIn" margin_bottom="30"][cesis_share_shortcode size="cesis_share_big" position="cesis_share_center" color_type="cesis_share_grey" facebook="yes" twitter="yes" google="yes" pinterest="yes" linkedin="yes" reddit="yes" tumblr="yes" xing="yes" vk="yes" mail="yes" css_animation="fadeIn"]
[cesis_line_divider margin_bottom="30"]

The share icons module let you choose which media you want to use to share your posts / links. You can choose between 4 styles, simple, circle, square, rounded. You can also change the position of the icons, left, right, center or justified. You can choose the default icons colors or use your own or use transparent.

[cesis_share_shortcode type="cesis_share_squared" position="cesis_share_center" facebook="yes" twitter="yes" google="yes" pinterest="yes" linkedin="yes" reddit="yes" tumblr="yes" xing="yes" vk="yes" mail="yes" css_animation="bounceInUp" margin_bottom="20"][cesis_share_shortcode type="cesis_share_squared" size="cesis_share_big" position="cesis_share_center" facebook="yes" twitter="yes" google="yes" pinterest="yes" linkedin="yes" reddit="yes" tumblr="yes" xing="yes" vk="yes" mail="yes" css_animation="bounceInUp"]
[cesis_line_divider margin_bottom="30"]

The share icons module let you choose which media you want to use to share your posts / links. You can choose between 4 styles, simple, circle, square, rounded. You can also change the position of the icons, left, right, center or justified. You can choose the default icons colors or use your own or use transparent.

[cesis_share_shortcode type="cesis_share_rounded_c" position="cesis_share_center" facebook="yes" twitter="yes" google="yes" pinterest="yes" linkedin="yes" reddit="yes" tumblr="yes" xing="yes" vk="yes" mail="yes" css_animation="zoomIn" margin_bottom="20"][cesis_share_shortcode type="cesis_share_rounded_c" size="cesis_share_big" position="cesis_share_center" facebook="yes" twitter="yes" google="yes" pinterest="yes" linkedin="yes" reddit="yes" tumblr="yes" xing="yes" vk="yes" mail="yes" css_animation="zoomIn"]
[cesis_line_divider margin_bottom="30"]

The share icons module let you choose which media you want to use to share your posts / links. You can choose between 4 styles, simple, circle, square, rounded. You can also change the position of the icons, left, right, center or justified. You can choose the default icons colors or use your own or use transparent.

[cesis_share_shortcode type="cesis_share_rounded" position="cesis_share_center" facebook="yes" twitter="yes" google="yes" pinterest="yes" linkedin="yes" reddit="yes" tumblr="yes" xing="yes" vk="yes" mail="yes" css_animation="fadeInUp" margin_bottom="20"][cesis_share_shortcode type="cesis_share_rounded" size="cesis_share_big" position="cesis_share_center" facebook="yes" twitter="yes" google="yes" pinterest="yes" linkedin="yes" reddit="yes" tumblr="yes" xing="yes" vk="yes" mail="yes" css_animation="fadeInUp"]
[cesis_line_divider margin_bottom="30"]

The share icons module let you choose which media you want to use to share your posts / links. You can choose between 4 styles, simple, circle, square, rounded. You can also change the position of the icons, left, right, center or justified. You can choose the default icons colors or use your own or use transparent.

[cesis_share_shortcode type="cesis_share_rounded" position="cesis_share_center" color_type="cesis_share_grey" facebook="yes" twitter="yes" google="yes" pinterest="yes" linkedin="yes" reddit="yes" tumblr="yes" xing="yes" vk="yes" mail="yes" margin_bottom="20"][cesis_share_shortcode type="cesis_share_rounded" size="cesis_share_big" position="cesis_share_center" color_type="cesis_share_transparent" facebook="yes" twitter="yes" google="yes" pinterest="yes" linkedin="yes" reddit="yes" tumblr="yes" xing="yes" vk="yes" mail="yes" margin_bottom="20"][cesis_share_shortcode type="cesis_share_rounded" position="cesis_share_center" color_type="custom" facebook="yes" twitter="yes" google="yes" pinterest="yes" linkedin="yes" reddit="yes" tumblr="yes" xing="yes" vk="yes" mail="yes" icon_color="#ffffff" icon_bg_color="#69d2e7" icon_b_color="#69d2e7" icon_h_color="#ffffff" icon_h_bg_color="#333333" icon_h_b_color="#333333"]
[cesis_button button_text="Purchase Cesis" link="" target="_blank" button_pos="center" button_size="cesis_button_custom" button_width="160px" button_height="48px" button_border="1" button_radius="4" css_animation="fadeInUp" delay="200" button_text_color="#ffffff" button_bg_color="rgba(255,255,255,0.01)" button_border_color="#ffffff" h_button_text_color="#ffffff" h_button_bg_color="#1d222b" h_button_border_color="#1d222b" button_f_size="15px" button_f_weight="500" button_t_transform="none"]